UX Process, Various Examples

Workflows, Wireframes, Taskflows, Sketches

Avention 2015: Updating a key feature based on user feedback: whiteboards from brainstorming sessions with product owner, defining resulting new logic and workflows to share with team, sketching related behaviors in the UI.
Rallyhood 2016: Example of quickly reworking mobile navigation in medium-fidelity wires for newly responsive web site delivered in iOS/android app "wrappers."
Lapp 2012-13: Visualize new touch screen gesture language with local inventor. Used standards of object oriented modeling to describe user inputs and how the system would respond via state machines and other documentation for patent application.
Rallyhood 2016: Enterprise Dashboard KPIs. working backwards from inherited design concepts to drive deal-closing content.

Re-examining metrics that will matter most to enterprise clients, sketching potential KPI data in Balsamiq for evaluation by stakeholders and healthcare/hospital domain experts, before handing back to visual designer & engineers.

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