
My design practice has spanned technology focused, enterprise-scale environments and the non-profit art world, with unique start-up and small business clients in between.

Strengths emerging from this diverse background include a meticulous, user-centered approach to UX, encompassing research, usability engineering, information architecture, content strategy, interaction & visual design. Current strengths are informed by past work in brand development and management, publication and marketing collateral design (online and print), information design, virtual and spatial wayfinding, didactic and environmental graphics, project and asset management.

User-centered, agile methodologies. UX with emphasis in research and discovery, UI design, information architecture, virtual/environmental way-finding, data visualization, interaction design, content strategy, visual design and iconography, branding and messaging/content development, marcom and publication design, illustration.

Jungian psychology, fine art, gardening, hiking, camping. Volunteering for the arts, environment, and social causes.
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