UX/UI: Faculty Beta Program

Recruitment effort to attract university faculty to participate in MyEdu's Faculty Beta Program, intended to connect to that population and collaboratively develop new products and services with them, using their direct input. Faculty Beta members would be the first to benefit from these new product offerings, hence the hook. Historically, MyEdu's relationship with faculty had been tenuous at times due to the nature of student reviews, so the program was also an effort to rebuild trust and rapport with this group.

Landing page developed to launch MyEdu's new Faculty Beta Program, which endeavored to build a bridge to that audience, increasing a sense of rapport and partnership, ultimately strengthening MyEdu's product offerings and reach. Faculty communications were designed to have a unique look (sub-palette/typography) within the parent brand, to distinguish them from student communications in a consistent way.

Below:  A few of the states laid out to show form behavior as it is filled out and submitted.

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